Kamis, 11 Juni 2009
Kacang Goreng "Tambo"
okay, its one home industry in nagari sawah tangah batusangkar
Kacang goreng milik pak jasmir ini terletak di desa sawah tangah kabupaten tanah datar batusangkar. Keunikan kacang goreng ini terletak di cara pengolahannya, meskipun bernama kacang goreng tambo namun, pada hakikatnya kacang yang diolah dengan cara disangrai atau dirandang dengan pasir.
Tujuannya adalah panas yang dihasilkan merata sehingga dihasikan kacang goreng dengan pematangan yang sempurna juga menghasilkan citarasa tersendiri. Sawah tangah sendiri terletak di kaki gunung merapi sehingga Dengan struktur tanah dan kandungan mineral yang mumpuni membuat bahan baku kacang tanah yang dibutuhkan memiliki kualitas yang sangat baik. Kacang goreng ini dipasarkan dibeberapa daerah di sumatera contohnya di jambi, teluk kuantan, solok, padang, dan beberapa daerah lainnya.
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Senin, 08 Juni 2009
All About Teeth
okay, It is amzing facts about our teeth
Kids have 20 first teeth. Adults have 32 teeth
Each person's set of teeth is unique - much like their fingerprints - even in identical twins.
Some cheeses have been found to protect teeth from decay.
The Mexican version of the Tooth Fairy is known as the Tooth Mouse, which takes the tooth and leaves treasures in its place.
If you're right handed, you will chew your food on your right side. If you're left handed, you will tend to chew your food on your left side.
The major causes of tooth loss in people under age 35 are sports, accidents and fights
The most valuable tooth was one a nobleman purchased - belonging to the famous scientists Isaac Newton - for $4,560. It was set in a ring.
George Washington's dentures were made from walrus, hippopotamus, and cows' teeth, as well as elephant tusks.
In 200 AD, the Romans used a mixture of bones, eggshells, oyster shells and honey to clean their teeth.
Queen Elizabeth I's teeth were noticeably discolored. A German traveler, Paul Henter, speculated that the discoloration was due to the Queen's excessive consumption of sugar, making the first recorded association between sugar and tooth decay.
The second most common disease in the United States is tooth decay. The first is the common cold.
Walt Disney had wooden teeth.
People who drink 3 or more sugary sodas daily have 62% more dental decay, fillings and tooth loss.
More than 300 types of bacteria make up dental plaque.
On June 9, 1996, Walter Arfeuille (Belgium) pulled eight railways passenger coaches with a combined weight of 493,563 lbs. a distance of 10ft. 6in. along a track, with his teeth. The record was set at Diksmuide, Belgium.
Human teeth are almost as hard as rocks!
Betsy Ross was born with a fully formed set of teeth.
It is an old superstition that to dream of teeth is to bring sorrow; and it is unluckier still to dream of teeth falling out. To have a gap between your front teeth (a diastema), however, is a sign of prosperity and indicates future happiness.
In ancient Egyptian times you were more likely to suffer from toothache if you were well-to-do. This was because those who could afford it ate sweets (such as honey), while the workers ate onions. Long living Pharaoh Amenophis III (living c.1500 b.c.) suffered from many abscesses as a result of rotten teeth. We know this because they showed up on recent x-rays taken of his mummified skull.
A time honoured custom in England which carried through to colonial Australia, was the belief that mice had magical powers.
When a child lost their first baby tooth it was dropped into a mouse hole to ensure the little person's freedom from toothache.
The ancient Egyptians believed the application of a freshly killed mouse to an aching tooth would cure it. In ancient Britten a tooth taken from a skull and worn around the neck was believed to ward off toothache. We wouldn't recommend either of these methods; a visit to your dentist on a regular basis is a much better idea.
What would you do with 2,000,744 extracted teeth?
That's how many were collected by Brother Giovanni Battista Osengio of Italy between 1868 and 1904. The world's most dedicated religious dentist conserved every tooth he extracted in three enormous cases..
[I]"Society is imitation"
[/I]Quote of the month: [I]"Motor itu kaya kecoak terbang, baru berenti kalo nubruk" :haha[/I]
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Old March 01, 2004, 20:14 #62
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Originally posted by Hamlet
The tiger is the largest member of the cat family. (One guy in "Who wants to be a millionaire" got this one wrong. So soak it in.)
Jadi baca ini maksudnya buat persiapan ke TV show nih?
Originally posted by Hamlet
Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different
Tongue print??
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Old March 03, 2004, 03:37 #63
Fallen Poet
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Lembaga Riset Strategy Analytics memperkirakan bahwa di akhir tahun 2003, telah terjual kira-kira 80 juta Camera Phone - sebutan populer untuk hand phone yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memotret dan mengirim gambar secara elektronik. Angka tersebut meliputi kira-kira 14 persen dari seluruh telepon seluler yang terjual di dunia. Secara persentase masih akan meningkat dan akan mencapai angkat sekitar 100 juta unit di tahun 2004 - sebagai bagian dari proyeksi jumlah penjualan Camera Phone di dunia antara tahun 2003 hingga 2004 yang diperkirakan akan mencapai angka 800 juta unit.
Saat ini, Asia masih menjadi pelopor penjualan Camera Phone. Sekitar 80% Camera Phone yang terjual di dunia adalah konsumsi pembeli Asia. Jauh meninggalkan Eropa Barat yang 13%, serta Amerika Utara plus Eropa Timur yang hanya 2,3%. Jepang dan Korea masih menjadi negara yang memiliki tingkat penetrasi dan proliferasi tertinggi atas Camera Phone.
Perusahaan komunikasi NTT DoCoMo sebagai contoh memperkirakan bahwa 44% dari 40 juta konsumennya - memanfaatkan Camera Phone, sementara Vodafone Jepang mencatat bahwa dua per tiga dari 14,5 juta konsumennya adalah pengguna Camera Phone. Di Korea, diperkirakan 20% dari 35 juta pengguna selular phone, memanfaatkan Camera Phone, dan diperkirakan jumlahnya akan terus bertumbuh.
Tidak heran bahwa Camera Phone berpotensi membawah perubahaan mendasar atas pola hidup penggunanya. Banyak hal positif dari penggunaan Camera Phone. Selain untuk penggunaan pribadi, terdapat juga manfaat umum atas Camera Phone. Kepolisian Osaka Jepang misalnya saat ini membuka jalur khusus untuk penerimaan laporan tindak kejahatan via email yang berisikan foto orang, barang, atau tindakan yang dicurigai berkaitan dengan kriminal. Di Inggris, kantor berita Reuters menerima kiriman berita dari masyarakat tentang hal-hal yang berkait dengan materi jurnalistik foto - yang diambil melalui Camera Phone.
23 Maret 1965 adalah hari istimewa dalam sejarah penerbangan angkasa luar. Bukan hanya karena saat itu kapsul angkasa luar Gemini 3 diluncurkan dari Cape Caneveral -- tetapi juga karena terjadi perubahan besar hanya karena sepotong roti.
Di luar sepengetahuan otoritas antariksa NASA, di hari itu astronot John Young menyelundupkan sepotong sandwich berisi corned beef untuk dibawa ke antariksa. Alasannya...? Young merasa bosan dengan makanan standard yang dipersiapkan NASA, karena rasa dan bentuknya yang nggak karuan. Maklumlah, makanan standar NASA saat itu bentuknya seperti pasta gigi dan tidak perlu dikunyah. Atas hal itu - John Young dan Virgil 'Gus' Grissom - dianggap melakukan pelanggaran berat dan terancam dipecat dari tugas astronot oleh NASA.
Peristiwa sepotong roti ini berbuntut panjang. Kongres Amerika mendengar keluhan John Young - dan meninterogasi 40 pegawai NASA sebelum memutuskan bahwa NASA harus membuat makanan yang lebih layak bentuk dan rasanya bagi para astronot. Sementara bagi Young dan Grissom, mereka dibebaskan dari ancaman pemecatan.
Selanjutnya karir John Young sebagai astronot benar-benar cemerlang. Ia bukan saja ikut dalam dua misi penerbangan kapsul Gemini, tetapi juga dalam dua misi pendaratan Apollo 16 di bulan, serta penerbangan perdana pesawat Ulang Alik Columbia di tahun 1981.
Film "Pretty Woman" adalah film yang melambungkan nama dan karir Julia Roberts sebagai bintang Hollywood, selain mencetak top box office pada jamannya (bersaing dengan film "Ghost" dan "Home Alone").
Foto di bawah adalah foto paling terkenal Julia Roberts saat berpasangan dengan Richard Gere. Tetapi benarkah itu Julia Roberts? Ternyata tidak. Julia Roberts terlalu pendek untuk bisa berpose sejajar dengan Richard Gere. Sebagai gantinya, produser film menggunakan tubuh Shelley Michelle dalam pose tersebut, yang wajahnya diganti dengan wajah Julia Roberts.
Shelley Michelle sendiri dikenal di Hollywood sebagai "Queen of Body Double" - karena kerap menjadi pemain pengganti untuk bintang-bintang tenar. Selain menjadi pemeran pengganti bagi Julia Roberts, Shelley Michelle juga menjadi pemeran pengganti Kim Basinger di film "My Stepmother Is An Alien" (1988) dan "Final Analysis" (1992).
Dikenal memiliki kaki yang indah jenjang -- Shelley Michelle mengasuransikan kakinya senilai USD 1 juta.
Kids have 20 first teeth. Adults have 32 teeth
Each person's set of teeth is unique - much like their fingerprints - even in identical twins.
Some cheeses have been found to protect teeth from decay.
The Mexican version of the Tooth Fairy is known as the Tooth Mouse, which takes the tooth and leaves treasures in its place.
If you're right handed, you will chew your food on your right side. If you're left handed, you will tend to chew your food on your left side.
The major causes of tooth loss in people under age 35 are sports, accidents and fights
The most valuable tooth was one a nobleman purchased - belonging to the famous scientists Isaac Newton - for $4,560. It was set in a ring.
George Washington's dentures were made from walrus, hippopotamus, and cows' teeth, as well as elephant tusks.
In 200 AD, the Romans used a mixture of bones, eggshells, oyster shells and honey to clean their teeth.
Queen Elizabeth I's teeth were noticeably discolored. A German traveler, Paul Henter, speculated that the discoloration was due to the Queen's excessive consumption of sugar, making the first recorded association between sugar and tooth decay.
The second most common disease in the United States is tooth decay. The first is the common cold.
Walt Disney had wooden teeth.
People who drink 3 or more sugary sodas daily have 62% more dental decay, fillings and tooth loss.
More than 300 types of bacteria make up dental plaque.
On June 9, 1996, Walter Arfeuille (Belgium) pulled eight railways passenger coaches with a combined weight of 493,563 lbs. a distance of 10ft. 6in. along a track, with his teeth. The record was set at Diksmuide, Belgium.
Human teeth are almost as hard as rocks!
Betsy Ross was born with a fully formed set of teeth.
It is an old superstition that to dream of teeth is to bring sorrow; and it is unluckier still to dream of teeth falling out. To have a gap between your front teeth (a diastema), however, is a sign of prosperity and indicates future happiness.
In ancient Egyptian times you were more likely to suffer from toothache if you were well-to-do. This was because those who could afford it ate sweets (such as honey), while the workers ate onions. Long living Pharaoh Amenophis III (living c.1500 b.c.) suffered from many abscesses as a result of rotten teeth. We know this because they showed up on recent x-rays taken of his mummified skull.
A time honoured custom in England which carried through to colonial Australia, was the belief that mice had magical powers.
When a child lost their first baby tooth it was dropped into a mouse hole to ensure the little person's freedom from toothache.
The ancient Egyptians believed the application of a freshly killed mouse to an aching tooth would cure it. In ancient Britten a tooth taken from a skull and worn around the neck was believed to ward off toothache. We wouldn't recommend either of these methods; a visit to your dentist on a regular basis is a much better idea.
What would you do with 2,000,744 extracted teeth?
That's how many were collected by Brother Giovanni Battista Osengio of Italy between 1868 and 1904. The world's most dedicated religious dentist conserved every tooth he extracted in three enormous cases..
[I]"Society is imitation"
[/I]Quote of the month: [I]"Motor itu kaya kecoak terbang, baru berenti kalo nubruk" :haha[/I]
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Old March 01, 2004, 20:14 #62
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Originally posted by Hamlet
The tiger is the largest member of the cat family. (One guy in "Who wants to be a millionaire" got this one wrong. So soak it in.)
Jadi baca ini maksudnya buat persiapan ke TV show nih?
Originally posted by Hamlet
Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different
Tongue print??
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Old March 03, 2004, 03:37 #63
Fallen Poet
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Lembaga Riset Strategy Analytics memperkirakan bahwa di akhir tahun 2003, telah terjual kira-kira 80 juta Camera Phone - sebutan populer untuk hand phone yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memotret dan mengirim gambar secara elektronik. Angka tersebut meliputi kira-kira 14 persen dari seluruh telepon seluler yang terjual di dunia. Secara persentase masih akan meningkat dan akan mencapai angkat sekitar 100 juta unit di tahun 2004 - sebagai bagian dari proyeksi jumlah penjualan Camera Phone di dunia antara tahun 2003 hingga 2004 yang diperkirakan akan mencapai angka 800 juta unit.
Saat ini, Asia masih menjadi pelopor penjualan Camera Phone. Sekitar 80% Camera Phone yang terjual di dunia adalah konsumsi pembeli Asia. Jauh meninggalkan Eropa Barat yang 13%, serta Amerika Utara plus Eropa Timur yang hanya 2,3%. Jepang dan Korea masih menjadi negara yang memiliki tingkat penetrasi dan proliferasi tertinggi atas Camera Phone.
Perusahaan komunikasi NTT DoCoMo sebagai contoh memperkirakan bahwa 44% dari 40 juta konsumennya - memanfaatkan Camera Phone, sementara Vodafone Jepang mencatat bahwa dua per tiga dari 14,5 juta konsumennya adalah pengguna Camera Phone. Di Korea, diperkirakan 20% dari 35 juta pengguna selular phone, memanfaatkan Camera Phone, dan diperkirakan jumlahnya akan terus bertumbuh.
Tidak heran bahwa Camera Phone berpotensi membawah perubahaan mendasar atas pola hidup penggunanya. Banyak hal positif dari penggunaan Camera Phone. Selain untuk penggunaan pribadi, terdapat juga manfaat umum atas Camera Phone. Kepolisian Osaka Jepang misalnya saat ini membuka jalur khusus untuk penerimaan laporan tindak kejahatan via email yang berisikan foto orang, barang, atau tindakan yang dicurigai berkaitan dengan kriminal. Di Inggris, kantor berita Reuters menerima kiriman berita dari masyarakat tentang hal-hal yang berkait dengan materi jurnalistik foto - yang diambil melalui Camera Phone.
23 Maret 1965 adalah hari istimewa dalam sejarah penerbangan angkasa luar. Bukan hanya karena saat itu kapsul angkasa luar Gemini 3 diluncurkan dari Cape Caneveral -- tetapi juga karena terjadi perubahan besar hanya karena sepotong roti.
Di luar sepengetahuan otoritas antariksa NASA, di hari itu astronot John Young menyelundupkan sepotong sandwich berisi corned beef untuk dibawa ke antariksa. Alasannya...? Young merasa bosan dengan makanan standard yang dipersiapkan NASA, karena rasa dan bentuknya yang nggak karuan. Maklumlah, makanan standar NASA saat itu bentuknya seperti pasta gigi dan tidak perlu dikunyah. Atas hal itu - John Young dan Virgil 'Gus' Grissom - dianggap melakukan pelanggaran berat dan terancam dipecat dari tugas astronot oleh NASA.
Peristiwa sepotong roti ini berbuntut panjang. Kongres Amerika mendengar keluhan John Young - dan meninterogasi 40 pegawai NASA sebelum memutuskan bahwa NASA harus membuat makanan yang lebih layak bentuk dan rasanya bagi para astronot. Sementara bagi Young dan Grissom, mereka dibebaskan dari ancaman pemecatan.
Selanjutnya karir John Young sebagai astronot benar-benar cemerlang. Ia bukan saja ikut dalam dua misi penerbangan kapsul Gemini, tetapi juga dalam dua misi pendaratan Apollo 16 di bulan, serta penerbangan perdana pesawat Ulang Alik Columbia di tahun 1981.
Film "Pretty Woman" adalah film yang melambungkan nama dan karir Julia Roberts sebagai bintang Hollywood, selain mencetak top box office pada jamannya (bersaing dengan film "Ghost" dan "Home Alone").
Foto di bawah adalah foto paling terkenal Julia Roberts saat berpasangan dengan Richard Gere. Tetapi benarkah itu Julia Roberts? Ternyata tidak. Julia Roberts terlalu pendek untuk bisa berpose sejajar dengan Richard Gere. Sebagai gantinya, produser film menggunakan tubuh Shelley Michelle dalam pose tersebut, yang wajahnya diganti dengan wajah Julia Roberts.
Shelley Michelle sendiri dikenal di Hollywood sebagai "Queen of Body Double" - karena kerap menjadi pemain pengganti untuk bintang-bintang tenar. Selain menjadi pemeran pengganti bagi Julia Roberts, Shelley Michelle juga menjadi pemeran pengganti Kim Basinger di film "My Stepmother Is An Alien" (1988) dan "Final Analysis" (1992).
Dikenal memiliki kaki yang indah jenjang -- Shelley Michelle mengasuransikan kakinya senilai USD 1 juta.
what killed dinosaurus??
What Killed the Dinosaurs?
This is an interesting topic, for me anyway. Obviously, the prevalent theory is a huge asteroid hit the earth 65 million years ago. I've heard a couple of alternative theories, can't remember what, though. But, today I found this interesting article at time.com.
I personally do not know the answer, obviously. It makes no difference to know the answer, because well, life goes on. But, it still makes an interesting debate, no?
Maybe an Asteroid Didn't Kill the Dinosaurs
By Jeffrey Kluger Monday, Apr. 27, 2009
When a scientific principle is common knowledge even in grammar school, you know it has long since crossed the line from theory to established fact. That's the case with dinosaur extinction. Some 65 million years ago — as we've all come to know — an asteroid struck the earth, sending up a cloud that blocked the sun and cooled the planet. That, in turn, wiped out the dinosaurs and made way for the rise of mammals. The suddenness with which so many species vanished after that time always suggested a single cataclysmic event, and the 1978 discovery of a 112-mile, 65-million-year-old crater off the Yucatán Peninsula near the town of Chicxulub seemed to seal the deal.
Now, however, a study in the Journal of the Geological Society throws all that into question. The asteroid impact and dinosaur extinction, say the authors, may not have been simultaneous, instead occurring 300,000 years apart. That's an eyeblink in geologic time, but it's a relevant eyeblink all the same — one that occurred at just the right moment in ancient history to send the extinction theory entirely awry.
This is an interesting topic, for me anyway. Obviously, the prevalent theory is a huge asteroid hit the earth 65 million years ago. I've heard a couple of alternative theories, can't remember what, though. But, today I found this interesting article at time.com.
I personally do not know the answer, obviously. It makes no difference to know the answer, because well, life goes on. But, it still makes an interesting debate, no?
Maybe an Asteroid Didn't Kill the Dinosaurs
By Jeffrey Kluger Monday, Apr. 27, 2009
When a scientific principle is common knowledge even in grammar school, you know it has long since crossed the line from theory to established fact. That's the case with dinosaur extinction. Some 65 million years ago — as we've all come to know — an asteroid struck the earth, sending up a cloud that blocked the sun and cooled the planet. That, in turn, wiped out the dinosaurs and made way for the rise of mammals. The suddenness with which so many species vanished after that time always suggested a single cataclysmic event, and the 1978 discovery of a 112-mile, 65-million-year-old crater off the Yucatán Peninsula near the town of Chicxulub seemed to seal the deal.
Now, however, a study in the Journal of the Geological Society throws all that into question. The asteroid impact and dinosaur extinction, say the authors, may not have been simultaneous, instead occurring 300,000 years apart. That's an eyeblink in geologic time, but it's a relevant eyeblink all the same — one that occurred at just the right moment in ancient history to send the extinction theory entirely awry.
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